Meet the thoughtful Sandy Johnson - a school nurse with a focus on long-term health
Sandy Johnson_nurse

From participating in a student grief support group to helping kids understand how to manage diabetes, school nurse Sandy Johnson is all about developing good long-term health. 

Johnson, a nurse at both Birney and Fawcett elementary schools, firmly believes in the value of preventive work as a tool toward achieving sound health – especially with children.

“For me, that’s what school nursing is all about – a whole lot of planting seeds with our students and families. My hope is that down the road, this teaching improves health outcomes for them,” she said.

For her, that works includes going into classroom to teach lessons on hygiene, nutrition, mouth care and germs, for example. 

Teaching students how to prepare for good long-term health is part of the evolution of school nursing.

“Traditionally, people think of nurses as putting on bandages and addressing bumps on the head,” Johnson said. “And caring for children is our first priority. But I do think we should also be using our skill set to get kids fired up about their own health and taking care of their bodies.” 

Johnson also spends time helping students with their mental health. At Birney Elementary, Johnson volunteers with their student grief support group, which seeks to help them understand their own feelings and connect with others who are grieving. 

“We want them to know that it’s OK to talk about their grief whenever they’re ready, and it’s OK to feel sad just some of the time and happy at other times. It was meaningful to watch them recognize that some of their peers have gone through something similar,” she said.

Magnifying voice of school nurses

Fawcett Elementary principal Emily Hathaway is happy to have Johnson on her team. 

“She’s so nurturing, calm and collected. Whether she’s with kids or staff, people just gravitate toward her,” Hathaway said. 

In addition to Johnson’s work in schools, she serves on a number of state committees that support school nurses, including the Research Committee with the School Nurse Organization of Washington and the DOH/OSPI School Nurse Advisory. 
“Sandy’s work magnifies the school nurse voice up to the state level,” said Shallae Hobbs, Director of Health Services for Tacoma Public Schools. “She is working directly on policy and practice that guides our work, and our profession is the better for it.  

Recognizing our health care team on National School Nurse Day

Our school nurses are skilled, compassionate professionals, and we’re thrilled to share a snapshot of how they care for students and the community.

Shawna Kim, nurse at Edison, Browns Point and Crescent Heights elementary schools

  • Performs crossing guard duties 
  • Is out front for drop off and pick up of students to say hello and goodbye
  • Youth camp voluntary summer program nurse for grades students in grades 7-12

Gretchen Neuert, nurse at Wainwright Intermediate

  • Chaperones dances after school
  • Attends weekend events that students are involved in 
  • Connects with struggling students, offering food and respite, forging connections and re-focusing so they can return to the classroom.
  • Fluent in Spanish, supporting families and students in her building

Ashton Burchard, floating nurse for all TPS schools

  • Volunteers as a trainer at Edison Elementary’s after-school boxing program
  • Teaches boxing and kick boxing to school-aged children in Tacoma

DeAnn O’Leary, nurse at Foss High School and First Creek Middle School

  • Recently retired volunteer EMT who also teaches basic life support
  • Supports East Pierce Fire and Rescue through community events (and was just named Volunteer Responder of the year)
  • Attends soccer games for her students on the weekends

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Gretchen Neuert_nurse

Gretchen Neuert, nurse at Wainwright Intermediate

Shawna Kim_nurse

Shawna Kim, nurse at Edison, Browns Point and Crescent Heights elementary schools

DeAnn OLeary_nurse

DeAnn O’Leary, nurse at Foss High School and First Creek Middle School

Ashton Burchard_nurse

Ashton Burchard, floating nurse for all TPS schools

Sandy Johnson_nurse

Sandy Johnson, a nurse at both Birney and Fawcett elementary schools